There is nothing like a day off work where you get down and start feeling domestic. I must admit like many people I dislike doing housework, but today my inner June Cleaver was smiling so I rolled up my sleeves to get at least some vacuuming done. So I picked up our bedroom and office then moved to the boy's room. I opened the door and had to think for a second why someone pulled all the sheets off the bed. Then it clicked, BD's sister had spent the night with her 4 year old who wet the bed. I, feeling even more I-am-domestic-goddess, boldly gathered up the bedding, did a customary "sniff" of the comforter to make sure it was safe and tossed them into the wash. Then I went back and proceeded to practice my urine-cleanup skills, because I'm pretty sure I'm going to need them in the near future. I also managed to make the top bunk bed, which seriously made me think that bunk beds were the worst invention made by man. I can just see myself trying to do this 8 months pregnant... or maybe it'll be BD turn for a few months. Feeling the room was looking much tidier, I went to the closet to grab some old bags that were trash. Suddenly I got that "well this is what if feels like to be a mom" feeling again as I was greeted by a scene that looked like Hal's Auto Junkyard piled onto the closet floor. There were at least a few dozen Disney's Cars and Hotwheels vehicles, as well as some erector-set pieces heaped up on the floor. I said a silent prayer for the toy graveyard and slowly closed the closet doors - next week storage systems!
A little back story here, about two weeks ago we officially turned my guest room into a room for my boyfriend's two sons who stay with us on weekends. We had talked about it for awhile, especially when he moved in after the "Surprise! I'm Pregnant!" news. It's actually prefect for them, luckily I recently painted it a tan color and installed medium brown carpet (I keep thinking I ought to get a throw rug though...), plus it has a high ceiling for their bunk beds.