The Dr appointment went well, I got to hear the baby's little heartbeat and was told all my blood work looked good. Next time will be the first ultrasound, unless I decide to cheat and use the one at the veterinary hospital before hand.
Waiting rooms are weird to me, not that I'm creeped out by sick people of anything but everyone is so unfriendly. Typically you'd think there would be more happy smiling people with baby bumps in the OB lobby but most folks bury their nose in a "parenting" magazine. Yesterday when I pulled put my current knitting project a very pregnant woman adjacent to me asked if knitting was fun, so I said I really enjoyed it and the conversation went from there. She had stuffed her 9 month along body (we established she was due next week early on) into large sized non-maternity clothes and obviously wasn't from the well-off side of town but was friendly enough. I learned that she was having a boy, this was her second and she stood up to demonstrate how high she was carrying. I almost had to comment that her belly could double as a push up bra, but decided to be more tactful. Still I think I will resolve go start more conversations with random people in the OB waiting room..
And completely unrelated, I have started to drink a very small cup of black coffee in the mornings, I find that my stomach feels leaps and bounds better and it helps move other things along in my digestive system. I don't know why this is, but I'm not complaining as long as it's working!
Waiting rooms are weird to me, not that I'm creeped out by sick people of anything but everyone is so unfriendly. Typically you'd think there would be more happy smiling people with baby bumps in the OB lobby but most folks bury their nose in a "parenting" magazine. Yesterday when I pulled put my current knitting project a very pregnant woman adjacent to me asked if knitting was fun, so I said I really enjoyed it and the conversation went from there. She had stuffed her 9 month along body (we established she was due next week early on) into large sized non-maternity clothes and obviously wasn't from the well-off side of town but was friendly enough. I learned that she was having a boy, this was her second and she stood up to demonstrate how high she was carrying. I almost had to comment that her belly could double as a push up bra, but decided to be more tactful. Still I think I will resolve go start more conversations with random people in the OB waiting room..
And completely unrelated, I have started to drink a very small cup of black coffee in the mornings, I find that my stomach feels leaps and bounds better and it helps move other things along in my digestive system. I don't know why this is, but I'm not complaining as long as it's working!